My name is Sophia Jiao. My birthday is December 19, 1991. My parents emigrated from China to the USA over 30 years ago, therefor I am American born Chinese.
Currently I am a student at CCAC, majoring in Early Childhood Education. I want to be a good teacher and would devote my time and energy into teaching young children to know the difference between right and wrong in society when they grow up .
I was a student at Chatham University majoring in environmental science until I changed my major to Early Childhood Education and transferred to CCAC a few years ago. I thought Early Childhood Education would be a better fit for my personality.
I like to listen to music of any kind for long periods of time. I learned to play the piano when I was 6 and the violin at 8. My goal is to graduate soon and be a full time teacher in Early Childhood Education
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